You & Me Maldives 5*

  • bed and board
  • 10 Days / 8 Nights

2648 € Per person

Date: 17/06/2024

Located in the beautiful Raa Atoll, it is the ideal place to relax, enjoy the scenery and spend quality time with your friends, your partner, among others. It is located in northern Maldives, just 20 minutes by speedboat from the domestic Ifuru airport; or 45 minutes on a seaplane trip from Malé International Airport. It stands out for being an island only for adults, with spaces designed especially for the enjoyment of couples and honeymooners. It has 109 rooms, all overlooking the sea. Guests can choose from the wide variety of villas and suites such as the Manta Villa, the Dolphin Villa, the Dolphin Villa with swimming pool, the Beach Suite with swimming pool, the Aqua Suite, the Aqua Suite with swimming pool and the You & Me suite. You can enjoy the new gastronomic concept to eat around the resort and enjoy the wide variety of options offered by its restaurants and bars. The H20 underwater restaurant, the Green Carpet garden restaurant, and The Sand international restaurant are just some of the options to enjoy the gastronomic experience that You and Me Maldives offers you.


  • At we seek the safety of our clients, that is why we make sure that the services of our suppliers are complying with ALL THE SAFETY PROTOCOLS, both on the flight and at the destination.
  • Direct Flight with the company Etihad Airways from Madrid . Flight with the company Etihad Airways with destination to Male.
  • Staying in Standard rooms, 8 nights in bed and board at the hotel You & Me Maldives 5* - Male.
  • Air Fees are included.
  • Insurance policy obligatory.

  Not include

  • - Optional insurance to amplify the medical insurance at destination (from 20 €).
  • - Insurance policy to cover for reservation cancelation, lost and roberry of luggages.
  • Excursions optionals.
  • Everything that is specifed in the paragraph "all thats included ".


  1. Departure 17/06/2024 at 10:15 hrs., direct Flight from Madrid to Male, arriving at 19:10 hs.
  2. Arrival at international Male Airport. Assisted by our tour operator at destination for the transfer Airport to the hotel You & Me Maldives 5*.
  3. Stay at the hotel You & Me Maldives 5* - Male - bed and board.
  4. Day 25/06/2024 transport from the hotel You & Me Maldives 5* to the airport, Flight from Male at 19:05 Hs, at Madrid arriving at 22:20.


  • At we seek the safety of our clients, that is why we make sure that the services of our suppliers are complying with ALL THE SAFETY PROTOCOLS, both on the flight and at the destination.
  • The flights schedules are subject to change due tecnical or operatives dificulties of the travel company.
  • All NON citizens of the european community,should consult priorly to their trip with their ambassy or consulate about all the necessary documents to travel to their elected destination.
  • The tax on the exit and entry fees of the country will be paid at destination. The amounts are subject to variations .

  Destination Information

La República de Maldivas, está constituido por 1.200 islas de una belleza muy natural, con hermosas playas de arena blanca, arrecifes de coral, maravillosos peces de colores y lagunas de un color azul turquesa, hacen de estas islas un lugar paradisiaco, enclavado en medio del océano Indico y atravesado por el Ecuador.
Male, es la capital de la República de las Maldivas. La ciudad está localizada en la isla de Malé, en el borde sur del atolón de Malé en el atolón Kaafu.
Sus playas son de reluciente arena blanca y lagunas de aguas cristalinas cerradas por arrecifes de corales. Los cocoteros se inclinan hasta casi tocar el agua en la mayoría de las playas de Maldivas. El océano Índico es el que baña las costas de este archipiélago cuyas islas están protegidas por arrecifes de coral.
La isla está totalmente urbanizada, la ciudad ha tomado esencialmente todo el terreno. Está dividida en cuatro áreas; Henveiru, Galolhu, Maafannu y Machangolhi, otras 3 áreas de la ciudad se encuentran fuera de la isla de Malé, Vilimalé en la isla de Villingili, Hulhumalé en la isla artificial del mismo nombre y Hulhule otra isla donde se encuentra el aeropuerto.
Malé está abarrotada de rascacielos y estrechas callejuelas enmarcados por los rompeolas. Los adictos a las compras pueden paladear los sabores de Malé en los mercados locales, desbordantes de productos frescos, y en Chaandanee Magu, donde encontrarán recuerdos de su visita, como los dhonis tallados en madera, réplicas en miniatura de los barcos que navegan en sus aguas. La cúpula dorada de la Mezquita del Viernes preside el paisaje. Por su parte, la riqueza submarina de los atolones atrae a los entusiastas del submarinismo desde todos los rincones del planeta. Por ello se considerada como uno de los mejores lugares para practicar el deporte del buceo. Con espectaculares barreras de coral, nadar entre tiburones, tortugas y atunes, entre otras especies.

  Hotel reviews


Minimum price per person, flights and taxes included.

  Flight Data

Deperture Flight: Madrid - Male
Return Flight: Male - Madrid

The Flights schedule will be definite after confirming your reservation.

  Connection Flight

If you need a connetion flight to Madrid,we can offer you the next alternative:



If you want to reserve extra nights please contact our booking.


Price Rates of Origin TOTAL
2306 € + 342 € 2648 €
Passengers X 2 Adults
Price with tax included: 5296 €
Estimated price Flight connecting + €
Total General Price:
5296 5808

[ Reservation terms and conditions ]